Kyla Marie Coaching

a balanced approach to biohacking your wellness

mind x mood

Top Reccomendations for optimal wellness

Prodrome Sciences - Use code KYLA25 For 25% off. Optimize and protect your brain with Plasmalogens


Visit the dispensary and save 10% off supplements

Auro Wellness

Glutathione products for optimal cellular health

Mito Pro - Red Light Therapy

This is the Red Light Therapy device I use at home! Use this link for 5% off.


Personalized wellness & biohacking



the intentional and personalized use of lifestyle changes, technology, and science to enhance overall health and well-being.

Biohacking prioritizes physical and mental health, aiming for optimal functioning and longevity.

The Mind x Mood approach recognizes the interconnectedness of mind and body, seeking to enhance cognitive function alongside physical health.

mind x mood

Website Exclusive

mini blog

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione (GSH) is a naturally occurring “Master Antioxidant” vital for overall health. It is the body’s first line of defense against free radical stressors our bodies encounter daily, like pollution, UV rays, chemicals, and more. However, aging and oxidative stress lessen our Glutathione levels. - Auro Wellness

Vol No. 25





If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more.

If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.

- Oprah Winfrey


The Effect of Plasmalogens

Why do you need plasmalogens?

  • Plasmalogens are essential molecules for the cells in our bodies.
  • These cells have vital roles in the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and eyes.
  • As we increase in age, these cells decrease in quantity.
  • Studies have shown that the decrease in these molecules may be related to the symptoms of brain diseases.
  • Plasmalogens are naturally inside us, so you can rest assured by supplementing plasmalogens. - Prodrome Sciences


breathe. in for 5, out for 7. focus on the breath, one hand on your heart, and the other on your belly. feel your belly expand and contract, noticing the tension melt away.

Feedback from

Our clients

"I’ve become more active and started eating better, and I’ve had more energy.

I used to be super tired all the time and nothing seemed to help me. Since I started following your advice and implementing things into my routine, I feel much better".

"My mood has improved a lot. I’m generally happier, more calm, and I’m able to let go of things I know I can’t control."

"My favourite part of the program so far has been learning about my body and the way that everything I put into it directly impacts specific things.

Learning about nutrition and the direct relationship between physical and mental health has made all the difference in motivating me to making changes."


Kyla Marie Coaching

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